الخامة | شيفون |
نوع التصميم | فستان شيفون ماكسي بأكمام دانتيل |
نوع القصة | فستان ماكسي شيفون بطبقات وأكمام دانتيل طويلة مزينة بفصوص وياقة عالية برباط |
المناسبة | خروج عام او مناسابات خاصة |
الخصر | ضيق |
الياقة | عالية برباط |
الاكمام | طويلة |
التمدد | غير قابل للتمدد |
ارشادات العناية | يغسل ويكوى بالبخار بدرجة حراره منخفضه 40 |
Return Policy For a better shopping experience, we have added new return options -You can return it within 7 days from the date of receiving the order. -The product must be in its original condition, free of any defects or damage. -The return policy applies to all products except accessories. -We guarantee that you will return the product if it arrives damaged Conditions for returning an offer: Buy two items and get one free: -In the event of purchasing promotional offers such as: package offers, 1+1 free offers, 2+1 free offers, or any promotions or offers with gifts, the customer must return all products included in the package, promotional offer, or offer and gifts, and they cannot be exchanged. Partially or when the offer runs out, provided that all products are in their original condition. Subject to the terms and conditions of the offer. Click on the offer announcement (banner) and it will lead you